You don’t have to go far to hear about business partnership ventures that went wrong; stories of misunderstandings, hidden agendas, conflict, misappropriation or just not getting the right balance of skills in the first place. The stories are heartbreaking. Trust and long-term friendships have gone out of the window along with people’s livelihoods and financial security. It’s a fact that at least one in three partnerships ventures fail before the three-year mark?
If only there was a resource to help plan how the partnership would work together right from at the start? Something that will help you plan ahead and potentially save you from financial ruin, broken friendships and irreparable damage to your reputation!
We took this feedback and developed the only one-stop solution you’ll need to build your business case and plan how your business partnership venture will work BEFORE you get to signing the agreement.
For anybody considering a business partnership venture, we have developed a system to develop a business case, action plan and change management process; a system that is flexible to your requirements. To find out more, go the the Partnerships Toolbox website (link below).
Go to Partnerships Toolbox Site
Download Free eGuide
Without strong foundations, collaborative partnerships will neither thrive nor survive. Working over a 15 year period as a facilitator to support and establish partnerships, I became acutely aware that where partnerships are based on the trust developed between individuals, even the strongest partnerships cannot guarantee long term success. People move on (sometimes unexpectedly) and agendas change, leaving at least one partner wondering what happened. They can no longer get instant responses and cooperation. The new person doesn’t attend meetings and the partner organisation or business consequently drops off the radar.