Being in business feels like jumping off a 10-metre diving platform; exhilarating when times are good, very scary when they’re not. You may get a perfect ten for technical ability, but how do you navigate through the competition to get your products or services noticed, whilst avoiding the sharks promising you the world but failing to deliver? Your intuition is telling you something, but you don’t know enough about marketing to filter through the advice to do what’s best for your business.Amplify this if you’re also thinking about a partnership venture.
We work with business owners who don’t just want the latest shiny object marketing tool. They want to know how it works and how it fits into their marketing strategy. They want to understand how marketing works so that they can control how they use the tools.
Likewise, we work with owners that value their businesses and prefer to plan how they will work together before committing to something that might lead to problems later on; problems that could have been avoided.
We bring together four decades of on the ground marketing experience, with the strategic marketing expertise. Old world principles meet new world tools, bringing together a unique combination of all-round marketing support to transform your business.
Meet Karen
Karen is the technology wizard. She can thread together your online marketing channels so that you can get the most out of your marketing efforts.
She doesn’t just put your platforms together, she trains you and leaves you with the ownership of your programs and passwords.You are very much in control of the final product.
Karen is also an eternal marketing student. Not content with qualifications in marketing and advertising, she now has her sights on an MBA. She walks and talks marketing.
Meet Pat
Pat initially built her marketing skills in the real world, heavily involved in a market leader in its niche.In spite of her busy schedule, she went back to study to learn the principles behind the success.
Pat has a long history in marketing, including organising information technology conferences back in the day when www was the in-word in innovation. She has a strong affinity with technology, including convening government funded pilots for podcasting, digital story telling and using GPS. She was facilitating webinars in education before they became readily available to business.
Pat considers herself a digital ‘captive’. She was captured as a teenager and has assisted digital immigrants as well as mentored digital natives ever since.